B&B Dental



檔案大小:62.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


B&B Dental(圖1)-速報App

From the creators of B&B Dental NBDE Test Prep online course. Welcome to a proven method for dental board prep. No other NBDE Part I prep course has all of these materials in one place.

B&B Dental(圖2)-速報App

B&B Dental offers a mobile aspect to our structured plan, interactive approach, and community dedicated to your success.

B&B Dental(圖3)-速報App

As dental and medical professionals, we know what it’s like to agonize over your boards. In fact, the B&B course was developed by two dental students who believed there was a better way to plan and study for the NBDE Part I. Our online course is now used in over 30 dental schools across the nation and we’ve helped hundreds of dental students ace their exam!

B&B Dental(圖4)-速報App

To use the free B&B Dental app, you’ll need to purchase the B&B Dental Basic or Advantage course. Once you’ve done that, you can start studying no matter where you are!

B&B Dental(圖5)-速報App

Features in the app include:

B&B Dental(圖6)-速報App

1,800+ questions. With thousands of questions in our question bank, you can put your brain to the test. 1,100+ flashcards. Test yourself on the go. Our course has more interactive flashcards than any other resource on the market and covers key concepts from every section on the exam. 15 hours of video. Truly interactive learning through HD videos. Get a truly interactive learning experience with videos and whiteboard sessions right inside the course. We'll guide you through the study material.Track your progress. Stay on track with your study plan and track your progress as you get closer and closer to dominating the exam!

支援平台:iPhone, iPad